About us

dr Wolfgang Meschede
Encouraging adults and children to sleep outside, this idea has existed with me for more than 30 years. During this time, I have spent many thousands of nights outdoors, especially in everyday life: in the garden of my parents' forester's house, on the balcony during my biology studies and as a scientist, and today on the terrace on the outskirts of Cologne.
I also take every opportunity to sleep under the open sky when I'm on the road, whether professionally as a science journalist and film producer or on holiday with my daughters and friends. I have been able to enjoy an unobstructed view of the stars on every continent.
In 2012, I met Marco, a like-minded person, and 5 years later, having long since become best friends, we decided to develop a special bed for sleeping under the open sky. A project of the heart to inspire as many people as possible - and especially those who don't see themselves as adventurers - with our idea.
Marco Barooah-Siebertz
In my youth, I often lay on the meadow behind the house or on the roof of my parents' carpentry workshop at night to admire the starry sky in the Eifel. Especially on clear winter nights when it was freezing cold, the view was particularly clear and impressive.
As I necessarily spend many hours in front of screens and at a desk in my professional work as a designer and entrepreneur in the digital industry, I am drawn out into nature for a digital detox. In addition, I have a renewed desire to create something tangible, as I used to do in my father's carpentry workshop.
On many creative evenings with Wolfgang around the campfire, our common interests developed into crazy ideas. One of these ideas has now turned into a tangible product with the SkyHeia.
Without the help and ideas of many people who we have been able to inspire with our idea over the last three years, SkyHeia would not yet exist.
And we would like to take this opportunity to thank them very much: Robert for the joint prototype construction, Felix for milling work, Arnold and Laura for brainstorming on outdoor sleeping events, Herrmann for static testing, Jörg for advice on inventor protection, Andi and Ulli for building the mosquito protection prototypes, Volker and Kevin for construction advice, Markus for patience, Sven for bag advice, Marcus and Michael for optimisation work and Frank for the beautiful photos!

Sleeping outside and health
Ein Interview mit Dr. Annette Krop-Benesch über den Einfluss des Draußen Schlafens auf unseren natürlichen Schlafrhythmus und eine Antwort auf die Frage: Ist Draußen Schlafen gesund?

The SkyHeia with new rain protection at the “Garten 12” autumn exhibition
An outdoor bed with a roof! Many visitors to the “Garden 12” exhibition had actually not seen this before. Because we were able to present the new rain protection to interested guests just in time for the approaching autumn.

Shooting Star Nights: Enjoy the Perseid highlight in the outdoor bed
As summer nears its peak and the nights grow lukewarm, a breathtaking spectacle opens up in the sky: the Perseids, also affectionately known as “shooting star nights”, reach their fascinating peak over the next few days and light up the night sky. Especially in the night from Saturday to Sunday, an impressive firework display of shooting stars awaits us, which will amaze sky enthusiasts and romantics alike.